Posted in avatar, character, role play, Second Life, Zyx Flux

The Age of Zyx

Zyx Flux SwimThere was something not quite right when I was helping Zyx pick out some slacks yesterday. She was as chipper always despite my insistence she shouldn’t flit about in jeans or shorts all the time that now she’s growing up. She readily picked out three pairs and looks fabulous in them. It was when she was thanking the clerk (I slipped the cash to her so she could pay) and turned to leave with her that I saw that her eyes were green. Normally they are blue and purple (one of each), like her guardian from the Nevernever. Notice her wings? Also green. Yesterday they were blue. Just when I was getting used to her baby wings firming up and becoming less delicate.

She’s growing up. My other friends from Faerie tell me a time of decisions for her is nigh.

Let me back up a bit. Zyx was nesting in a garden at the Isle of Lesbos, just a smidgen bigger than my hand and bright blue, a feisty but scared kid when I found her almost nine years ago. She had run away from Faerie and made it to our world. I noticed that the garden was thriving so I agreed to hire her as a Junior Assistant Gardener, 3rd Class (no such thing, but she insisted on a title) while I tried to find her relatives. Couldn’t leave a little kid alone, could I?

As time passed, Zyx grew and was eventually put on the Security team when she wanted more responsibility. She can throw pixy fire so we didn’t have to arm her for the job. It was about that time I hired her as a roaming reporter for this blog, too. She was happy with all this until the day Zyx showed up to be her guardian in this world. Yes, I get confused, too, as they seem to have the same name but they insist they don’t. For clarity here, let’s call the second one Big Zyx.

When I was able to contact Zyx’s family they sent Big Zyx to our world but not to drag her back to the Nevernever. This struck me as odd (clearly, something out the ordinary is going on), but Zyx was thrilled that she could stay. Since that day I’ve been learning quite a bit about the other realm. Like when Zyx showed up for work one day with a brown skin instead of her usual blue. I learned that was an early sign of fae puberty. From what I understand, though, her appearance here is simply a “glamor” and she remains as a tiny pixy back in Faerie, but she’s gone from blue to green over time. She still has dragonfly wings there, as well, and her magicks are stronger.

Color isn’t necessarily “race” in Faerie as it is in our world. Rather it is a reflection of who one is and which “Court” one aligns with when they are old enough. Many of you know about the Seelie and Unseelie, the former being the Summer Court and the latter being the Winter Court, each representing a major power group in the Nevernever. Big Zyx is clearly an Unseelie. Blue, cold, aloof. She doesn’t even speak to mortals.

Brown skin. Green eyes and wings. An intimate affinity with the flora of this world. I’ve even seen her take on the form of a dryad. Zyx, I thought, was going to be a Summer fae. Apparently, she has a choice. When she’s old enough she will have to choose or stay a Wyldfae, beholden to neither court but also not under the protection of either.

Which leaves me some questions:

  • What is next for the little pixy?
  • Why does she need a guardian? She can be pretty bad-ass.
  • Did the Summer Court send a guardian, too? If so … where?
  • Did Zyx arrive at Lesbos because I’m polychromatic … blue, brown, red, etc.?
  • Which Court will Zyx choose?
  • I’m afraid to ask, but does Zyx’s skin still turn obsidian when she’s really angry?
  • Why do all the fae I see her with act very deferentially?

Whatever the answers, I’m sure more questions will arise as Zyx continues to mature and more things will seem not just right.

Posted in Bay City, Flickr, nudity, role play, Second Life, Topless Tuesday

Topless Tuesday Police

Topless Tuesday Police 30 May 2017
Click here to see the picture Embigeened on Flickr

I would like to thank Bay City’s Chief of Police, T.J. Hooker (really) his service to our fair city and for not arresting me for this picture.

The police station is in a G-rated sim, Edgartown, and per The Lab, I shouldn’t be topless there while any male avatar isn’t so restricted. This is discrimination but really, I shouldn’t have been there.

What? Uccie agreeing with the No Boobies Rule? Yes. T.J. set up this great build as a role play (RP) environment. As with the rest of Bay City, the 40s-60s era isn’t really suited to topless women. While I’m ready to muck about most of Bay City topless, I do try to respect the wishes of others so don’t expect me to be semi-nude at the station again, unless I’m being arrested.

Hey, T.J.! There’s an idea for an RP for yah ….

Posted in Bay City, role play, Second Life

The Cat in Bay City

Mucking about in Bay City tonight I happened upon another sighting of The Cat. She broke into the Bay City Courthouse in Edgartown (SLurl). Click any image for a bigger view.

Fortunately, I was carrying my Leica, a darned silent camera, and some fast film. Still, there were times I think she heard me. The first time was, ironically, when a cat wound around my feet while I was outside the window. Finally, she did hear me and waved before whisking away on her “Buck Rogers” flying disc. But I got a couple nice action shots as she leaped from the courthouse to an antenna then onto the police department. I have no idea what she was up to, but I think she was in the new Permits Office. Anyway, I’ve informed T.J. Hooker of the BCPD (and Permit Officer and probably Judge by now). You never know when The Cat is going to strike in Bay City.

Posted in Bay City, CC Columbo, Flickr, role play, Second Life

Bay City Institute for Anomalous Research

Following is an edited transcript with Professor CC Columbo, director of the Bay City Institute for Anomalous Research (SLurl).

Bay City Instutute for Anomalous Research May 2016_001

Uccie Galway: Why did the Bay City Conservatory move and change its name?

CC Columbo: The Conservatory expanded its mission to proactively gather unusual artifacts as well as to display them so new facilities were needed. The move from Bay City – Dennis to Bay City – Tanelorn was part of this. To reflect the expansion, the name was changed to the Bay City Institute for Anomalous Research. And I wanted an office.


It sounded better than “sketchy” and “timey-wimey” wasn’t completely accurate. The Institute has a singular lack of focus in any respect so “Anomalous” seemed appropriate. Consider that historical artifacts are on display in the Conservatory building alongside archaeological finds and oddities from other realities.

Is this safe?

As far as you know, yes. I have hired another assistant, Geohistoria Farshore, to help ensure the public’s safety.

Wasn’t it your other assistant, Zyx Flux, that created mayhem during the move?

It wasn’t intentional, despite the nature of a pixy to cause mayhem. Zyx used some magicks and her influence in the Nevernever to help the move from one side of Bay City to the other quickly and efficiently.

Wiping out a cemetery and creating a time bubble in the process.

You can’t make scrambled eggs without scrambling the eggs and everyone loves scrambled eggs so that’s not a big issue.

I wasn’t talking about eggs.

It’s an analogy. Think about it. And Zyx has proven very capable to date as Chief Gardner at the Arboretum of Unusual Vegetation (SLurl). No one was harmed and the time bubble issue is being worked on.

Bay City Instutute for Anomalous Research May 2016_003

There are some wild magicks running amuck at the Institute. Isn’t that a problem?

You say problem and I say anomalous. The Goddess Pond in the northwest corner does at times seem out-of-the-ordinary but that depends on how you define ordinary. All the instruments we have cannot confirm that the ground lights seen in the social area actually exist so clearly they are safe.

*cough cough*

And the only dangerous creatures in our collections are safely locked in a cage. We are looking implementing protocols from here on in rather than relying on our fabulous luck to keep our 99.89% safety record.


All the really dangerous items are in the warehouse anyway.

You never mentioned the warehouse before. Can we visit it?

Forget I mentioned that. um. Did I mention our proximity to the Falmouth Hotel?

No, but I knew about that as I can see it from the yard. Any ghostly visits?

Not that I’ve seen. That it might happen is rather exciting, though.

Bay City Instutute for Anomalous Research May 2016_004

Back to Mr. Farshore, then. Is it true he’s a Caledonian spy?

He said he wasn’t and he swore an oath on the Moley Bible so I believe him. His qualifications as an explorer in Caledon are without question.

So you didn’t question them?

Actually, no one answered my questions, but Geo agreed to the lack of pay I was offering and he added some nice items to the collection. I’m sure his swift departure from Caledon in the dark of night isn’t an issue.

I guess his presence is one of those anomalous things because if I recall, Caledon is another reality parallel to ours, right?

Caledon does have its own unique existence, but I employ a pixy from the Nevernever so I don’t see a problem. This special world we live in is limited only by our imaginations and the computer hardware we can afford.

What would you like for people to bring away with them from a visit to the Institute?

It is my hope that people see the collection (which changes now and then, by the way) as an example of how wonderful and diverse Second Life can be. It is open for role play, as well, and the social area is just a peaceful place to gather. As with the Arboretum, the Institute is for everyone, not just me and my staff.

So people can go everywhere on the property?

Even my office, except for you until you do more around the house on the meatspace side of the keyboard. You can look through the windows but pretend there are ban lines just for you. No I’m kidding. You have been a big help in making the Institute what it is. I’d also like to thank Alx Zeiler, Marianne McCann, Angela Seale, and anyone I’ve forgotten for their help. And there are, well, Easter Eggs. That change.

Bay City Instutute for Anomalous Research May 2016_005

Embiggened versions of these photos can be found on Flickr.

Posted in Bay City, blog, real life, role play, Second Life

Role Play Journalism

As a pundit, I assert that the recent SL Drama over what Hamlet Au wrote concerning an investigative piece about Second Life all turns on the distinction of whether Mr Au is a journalist or a blogger.

As "Googled" 15 May 2015 12:27 PM SLT.
As “Googled” 15 May 2015 12:27 PM SLT.

I’m Uccello Poultry (Display Name varies) and I freely admit that I role play a journalist in Second Life. As a reporter for The Bay City Post I more or less interview a new person from Our Fair City once a month. I say “more or less” because the so-called interview more often than not consists of sending a boilerplate note card to whomever agrees to participate and waiting for them to fill in replies to the same (more or less) ten questions everyone gets. I call this Role Play because I’m not doing the actual work of a journalist as it was taught to me way back in a journalism class in high school. What I do is, at best, a vague imitation of the true art. I don’t meet the commonly accepted definition of said craft.

The Poultry Report is not journalism, either, despite a loose attempt to imitate the fit and finish of reportage. It is a blog as it meets the common definitions of such. Some of the content is fictional (search for Aliens and you’ll see), much of it is simply opinion (making me a pundit, at best), sometimes I’ll publish press releases, and you’ll even find posts that are just pictures. I’m reporting on things, but I’m not a reporter in the sense that what you see should be considered news.

As 'Googled'
As “Googled” 15 May 2015 12:30 PM SLT.

Where does that put Mr Au? Consider that he very, very seldom visits Second Life any more. Look at the New World Notes (NWN) sponsored posts policy (those partners that are frequently featured). Count the number of posts on NWN that simply rehash pieces from news sources or blogs. Consider how Mr Au started his career covering Second Life – a Pen For Hire “Embedded Journalist” that that Linden Lab paid to write fluff pieces. Hamlet is not a journalist.

The problem is that we expected him to be one. That’s certainly how he has styled himself. And years ago NWN was a credible and reliable source for new in Second Life. At some point NWN became the Gizmodo of virtual world coverage: Sketchy ethics, poor writing, opinions discussed as facts, and the occasional gem of some value.

This might be doing Gizmodo a disservice, though. I’ve found it best to look at the site after all others and I merely skim it, cherry picking the odd gem or two. I haven’t seriously looked at New World Notes in almost a year. It just became icky, if I can use such an un-reporterlike word.

Yes, I can use that word. I’m not a journalist. And neither is Hamlet Au, thought he does role play one.

Posted in real life, role play, scenic, Second Life


The waterfront park in Stonehaven, just a short walk from the region landing zone (SLurl). Click to embiggen.
The waterfront park in Stonehaven, just a short walk from the region landing zone (SLurl). Click to embiggen.

One of my new favorite places is Stonehaven, a pair of role play regions created by Alysssa Merit (AKA Alyssa Dreshsler) and Cheree Shippe. They got me when they told me it was an island in Maine, one of the most lovely American states and my Real Life home. I’ve watched the build from some of its earliest days and have been flattered that Aly and Cheree have listened to my un-requested input (I’m a busybody nitpick, if you haven’t noticed).

You can learn more about Stonehaven on the official Website, but here’s a quick rundown: The role play is about everyday life complete with available jobs (I’m thinking about being a nurse in the local hospital), fabulous rental homes (strictly Out-Of-Character spots unless the renter decides otherwise), and plenty of activities (just before writing this I worked out in the gym and showered after running a couple miles). There’s a fire department, a sheriff (Cheree, of course), church, and several businesses.

Does it look like Maine? Yes. And it looks like other parts of New England. Aly did a great job. Lots of pine trees, waterfront buildings you could have lifted right out of Bar Harbor, and fabulous scenic views. Sure, I could quibble about the really tall mountains on the island, but they certainly add to the general flavor of New England you’ll experience through out the town.

Stonehaven is a growing community. I’m waiting for the touristy stuff to show up. Hard to visit most any shop along the real Maine coast without seeing maple syrup, plushy moose and lobstahs (that’s lobster to you tourists), and other themed knickknacks. While the regions are Adult rated (meaning SL residents under the age of 18 years in Real Life can’t get in) the emphasis is not on sex, sex, sex. Sure, some of the furniture has adult poses and there’s a cute strip club called The Spice Rack (that’s where I took pix for last week’s Topless Tuesday). I’m pretty sure people in real life Maine have sex, too, just not in the streets, thus Stonehaven follows convention. Folks won’t be visiting Stonehaven just to meet the NPC hooker (I swear she’s a hooker).

Hopefully, people will visit Stonehaven to see a superior build and then stay for the role play. Maybe you should visit?

Posted in explore, role play, Second Life

Another Contact with Salazar

It was a day full of Salazar Jack, the legendary Second Life resident, most recently a video in a Twitter post from @kahruveldesign reminding us of Salazar’s adventures way back in 2011.

But Twitter was also involved when the big blue guy sent contact to the world via his own account.Yes, the big blue guy, Salazar Jack, has been heard from again.


The bandwidth was limited, though, so Salazar tried and was able to give a lot more information (see here). They way I see it, he wants us to rebuild the circle that sent him off to another plane of existence, but to not use any metal. Maybe then we can get him back.

Confused? You aren’t alone. Check some of my previous blog posts and these resources:

Posted in avatar, character, role play, Second Life

Camp Hardknock Winter 2014 Video

It is my pleasure and privilege to know many child avatar characters in Second Life. This role play community consistently demonstrates great passion for Our World and all its possibilities. Don’t get me wrong. There are many very high-functioning role play groups and I’ve been a part of some of them, but the Kid Community (for lack of a better term) is just amazing.

How amazing? Watch this …

Camp Hardknock – Winter 2014 from Camp Hardknock on Vimeo.
I really need to work on my kid avatar (yes, if you read the last post on this blog, I have one) and see if I can get into the next camp session.

Posted in Bay City, CC Columbo, recreation, role play

Introducing Splash – A Public Pool in Bay City

My beloved Pouloco Gas Station in Bay City Dennis is no more. Admittedly, I groused a bit when my brother, CC Columbo, asked me to build it for him but it gave me something to do and I enjoyed the challenge. His idea of giving me something to do long-term, however, failed. Neither of us took it seriously as a role play opportunity and I never took advantage of the retail space it provided. Basically it was just a pretty addition to Bay City, certainly (if I can brag) a step above the pre-fab gas stations that exist elsewhere in town. It might come back one day. I’m going to spend time with it in a sandbox to make it a better, more efficient build with better textures.

A combination of his trying to figure out how to put a swimming pool on our land in Nangrim but being stymied by Land Impact limits and his boredom with the gas station, CC decided to wipe the latter build and go for broke on a swimming pool. After watching him shop for pools at WaterWorks (SLurl) and reminding him that he had Siggy’s PrimSwim water I offered to build a pool for him if he paid me half of what he’d spend on a prefab. Thusly, Splash – A Public Pool in Bay City (SLurl) was started.

These are CC’s pictures. He used my computer since it has better graphics than his.

I don’t know if that is a parking area or not, but anyone can rez things there (1 minute auto-return). That is his truck in Pouloco colors. The whole build almost had that color scheme.

CC asked me to put my vending machines in the snack shack. They are free so grab a Slurpee®, a soda, or some popcorn. You can also get a free copy of the Bay City Post, ride a flying bunny around town or hop on the ducky.

The pool I gave CC was smaller and square-ended with basic Linden textures. He modded the heck out of it and added the rest of the infrastructure including a small water slide.

There’s a kiddie pool though no animations. I think he’s shopping for some kid-sized ones. Plenty of seating for parents so they can watch their little sea-rats kids in comfort.

Plenty of towels around the pool and the one with the octopus has couples cuddles. Totally G-rated, of course. Be sure to read the pool rules about the sim rating and other necessities.

If you have The Swimmer from Siggy’s (L$400; see here) you can swim in the water. Without it you can still use the poses or toobs or even the water slide. Good luck sitting on the lifeguard chair. He has it linked funny so it doesn’t fly off into space but it’s just for show anyway as we can’t afford to hire someone to nap in it.

CC did a great job of filling the gas station’s footprint without disturbing his grave yard or my teeny shack-home on the backside of the big wall. He tells me that he’s still working on bits and tweaking, but isn’t that the fun of building anyway?

Posted in blog, exploration, LDPW, role play

The Coastal Waterway

Getting ready for an afternoon nap in Lucca. Check out MySL photo feed (Web) for more pix.

Even before I got my most recent boat (Web), I’ve traveled The Coastal Waterway in Second Life. It’s a fabulous set of sims with many islands to explore, seascapes for divers, and plenty of water for sailors. Some are even great for Role Play – pirates, Arabian princes, mermaids, and more. I especially appreciate all the effort that the Linden Department of Public Works (Web) put into each and every build. For example, many spots have games and freebies! Checkout this list of places to visit along the Waterway and rez your own boat.