Posted in Linden Lab, security

Linden Lab has NOT Been Hacked

“Japan’s Sega Corp joined the rapidly growing club of video game companies whose computer systems have been hacked by cyber criminals, the company said on Friday” (Reuters via Yahoo! News).

Makes me wonder about server security at the companies whose games I play, like Linden Lab. But are they big enough for anyone to care? And how often do you change your passwords? While you may not want to go to the extent that security expert Steve Gibson recommends on his “Perfect Passwords” page (Web), you you might want to avoid the most commonly used passwords (Web), make your choices hard to guess, and change them often.

If possible, mix upper and lower case letters with numbers and symbols to make them hard to guess. This doesn’t mean they can’t be memorable. Maybe start with a phrase you know well, like the opening line of a book. “Call me Ishmael” starts off Moby Dick by Herman Melville becomes Ca11MeIshmae1 (maybe … lots of choices). It is also hard to type until you get used to it, but it would be memorable. Or use the first letters of each word in a long phrase: Twas the Night before Christmas becomes t+nb4C. Very, very hard to guess.

This won’t help you if an unencrypted list of passwords and e-mail/user names is stolen from The Lab (in our example … I’m not implying anything specific) so change your passwords often. Weekly is best. Monthly should do. Anytime you hear of a hack … almost weekly. Maybe even right now, while it is on your mind?

Posted in avatar, clothes, cosplay, costume, event, Isle of Lesbos, security, weapon

en garde On Gaurd

Often while working Security at the Isle of Lesbos (women only; SLurl) I’ll dress in theme if an event is going on at the time whether I’m off in a corner building by myself or in more public parts. I had wanted to attend the Angels & Demons event because I thought I had a killer outfit here (having switched to this red from a creamy mint variation) but no one else was available to keep the lesbians in the pen so I just played with my sword. :::sighs:::

Posted in Dankia Designs, Discord, eCollar, fashion, Illusions, Isle of Lesbos, Nomine, PrimOptics, security, style, TalTECH


I am very hard to see when wearing a Nomine Aether – Midnight skin (SLurl), a black leather outfit from Danika Designs (Web), Hydra hair in Midnight from Discord (SLurl), primOptic’s Finesse glasses (SLurl), Pirate boots from Illusions (SLurl), a TalTECH Black Thunder black pistol (SLurl), and my beloved eCollar (SLurl) in black leather … so NO Sneaking into the Isle of Lesbos. I’m there, seen or not.