Posted in beta, Display Names, Second Life, tips, viewer

Display Names

On a quick trip to Second Life’s Beta Grid with the Project Viewer I ran into my friend Zyx Flux and we played with Display Names (read more here) as this picture shows. And you can see that she plans on joining the “Spartucus” in-world meme (read more here) when the feature is available. By default, group tags are off for some unknown reason, as are User Names. If you want to be sure who you are dealing with, head over to Preferences, as shown, or simply over your pointer over someone to see their “proper” name, displayed as first.last to remind us of our 80’s computing heritage. Profiles will show both names, as well. Of special note, any change you make sticks for two weeks minimum, so no setting “Ima Trollop” for just a night. No idea when this will be released, but you can check out the official Wiki information here. Click the image for a larger view.

Posted in communication, event, hostess, Isle of Lesbos, poster, sign, textures, tips, Uccello Poultry

New Tip Board Texture

This is my major accomplishment for the day: a new texture for my tip jar. It uses a border I created for use with signs I’ll make for the Isle of Lesbos from now on (if Miss Jane approves). Over time I’ve been standardizing fonts, colors, sizes, and such to provide a more polished, unified appearance in Isle communications.